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Paid Sick Days for Airport First Responders

January 3, 2013

First responders at Denver's airport have been fighting for better sick day policies from HSS Inc. management as the flu season and the busy holiday flight season descends upon the mile high city. "Currently security guards are unable to call in sick without being given an "occurrence", even with a note from the doctor and that's just not right," noted Juanita McGill, Security Guard for 6 years. Occurrences add up, with seven in one year resulting in termination of employment. "I can't help it when my kids get sick. As their mom, it needs to be my first priority to stay home with them until they feel better. I shouldn't get written up for it ,"stated Wendy Mejia, a Denver airport guard for 5 years. Security officers took their cause to HSS management at their headquarters in central Denver.